Don't Aim News Feed

Big Update Coming, Including New Join Requirements

Posted Nov. 23 @ 13:16 PM CDT by SprAy

New Google Sites plans, new description, new Github site, new era for the Don't Aim team. So while I was gone I was thinking a little about updating the team. I made a fresh new description that makes sense, and updated some information in the Google Site. Mello made a new Github site for people wanting to get a basic view of the site relatively quick. New members must have a friend associated wiith the team, join the Discord, and have a Steam Level of at least 2 to be accepted into the team.

If any VAC bans arise just explain your situation, we'll get back to you on allowing you to stay in the team.

We prefer new members to have Prime, although it is not a requirement.

I'll be sure to check new member requests a bit more often, sorry to those of you I kept on a wait.

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